Maple Class

Meet the Maple Class Team

  • Lesley

  • Kieanne

  • Isobel

  • Maple class is based in the cabin set in the grounds of our nursery at Coalway. We have recently been introduced to Greenwood’s as a room which supports and prepares the children aged 2 to 3 years for their transition into Pine class.

    We love messy play and exploring the local woodlands, whatever the weather so we encourage you to pack lots of spare clothes, sun cream, sun hats, a wetsuit, and wellies. We are very lucky in Maple class to have our own decking to offer free flow most days to allow the children the choice to play outside or inside.

  • To promote the children’s learning and development our approach is based on the Curiosity Approach which allows the children to be curious, have fun and make a difference. The environment in Maple class is neutral and calming which allows the children to focus on learning opportunities provided daily by our experienced practitioners in the room. Natural resources, loose parts and recycled objects are readily available, a child’s imagination has a use for them all. Mark making tools, the home corner and construction, puzzles are accessible to the children daily.

    We encourage and help the children to become independent in self-care during their time with us. Water is readily available for the children to help themselves to and snack time the children help to prepare their own snacks, pour their own milk/water and at lunch time they help themselves to the vegetables on offer to them. After lunch we have quiet time to allow the children to rest for our busy afternoons. We regularly practice meditation or Yoga during this time.

  • We have circle time daily where the children are asked to identify their pictures or their names and place them on our registration board. Circle time provides an opportunity to talk to the children about various things such as healthy eating, special occasions and learning opportunities such as number recognition.

    We are fortunate in Maple class that one of our staff members has a level 2 qualification in Forest Schools which we take part in most weeks. We often take our story of the week and some snacks and head out on our adventures.

    All of the staff in Maple class are highly qualified with many years’ experience in the early years sector. We regularly attend relevant training courses and study for extra qualifications which ensures practitioners offer suitable experiences to enhance the children’s learning and ensure they enjoy the time they spend with us.